How Breathwork Became A Key Part Of My Healing Story
Emotional wounds can run deep. We all know that. We’ve felt it. Many of us (if not all of us) carry unprocessed emotions from the past, often without realizing how it’s affecting our daily mental, emotional, and physical well-being. These emotions, when left unaddressed, can create patterns of stress, depression, anxiety, or even physical pain. I’ve experienced first hand how these unprocessed emotions continue to get louder through negative symptoms until you address them. I’m willing to bet that you’ve experienced it too. Well my friends, I have found an answer. Enter Clarity Breathwork.
Clarity Breathwork is a form of conscious, connected breathing for 60 full minutes that helps us access deeper layers of our being. By focusing on long, continuous breaths with no pauses, we can bypass the mind’s filters and tap into areas of the body where emotions are stored. This powerful practice allows for emotional release, bringing unresolved feelings to the surface to be processed and integrated. Each session is different. I’ve had sessions where I’ve burst out laughing from the joy I’m experiencing, and I’ve also had sessions where I’ve burst into tears as unresolved emotions are being processed.
How Does Breathwork Help Release Stored Emotions?
Breathing is one of the few bodily functions that we can control consciously, but it also happens unconsciously. When we experience stress or trauma, our breathing becomes shallow, and the body tenses up. Over time, these patterns of shallow breathing can trap emotions and stress within the body.
Clarity Breathwork works by gently guiding us into a state of deep, rhythmic breathing that encourages relaxation and emotional release. As we breathe in this way, we allow our bodies to soften and open up, making it possible for long-held emotions to surface and be released—whether that’s grief, anger, sadness, or fear. The act of breathing with awareness and intention helps us move through these emotions and come out the other side feeling lighter, more present, and grounded.
My Story: Breakthrough with Breathwork
I came to my first Clarity Breathwork session feeling stuck. I had been struggling with deep depression due to trauma, and often felt overwhelmed by my emotions. I was so overwhelmed that everything in my life started to fall apart. At times it felt like I was coming apart at the seams, all the while screaming on the inside and cool as a cucumber on the outside. To cope, I became an expert in the art of being numb. And, since becoming numb to strong emotions isn’t easy, I turned to negative coping mechanisms. To put it bluntly, I was in an endless cycle of feeling shitty, trying to not feel shitty by using my negative coping mechanisms, only to have them fail, creating more negative thoughts, and starting the cycle all over again.
During my first Clarity Breathwork session, I felt this stuckness. It was showing up in the form of my resistance to breathe. It was extremely exhausting for me to keep the circular breath going, and I found that I could only maintain it for a few cycles here and there. As a result, my body wasn’t able to enter the meditative state induced by the breathwork, where it felt safe enough to process stored emotions. Even if I did manage to keep the breath going long enough, my body would go unconscious as soon as emotions started to surface. I felt furious, disheartened, and deflated. I could see all of these other people having incredible breathwork experiences, and yet here I was feeling like nothing was ever going to work for me.
The stories of emotional healing coming from my peers helped me to stick it out. I continued to show up to each breathwork session ready to try my best, and it turns out that’s all it took. After 3 sessions of breathing through resistance and unconsciousness, I was able to process the emotional baggage I had been carrying for over 10 years. Things I had been working on in therapy for years finally felt over. In that one breathwork session I processed the roots of my suffering, and felt what it was like to forgive myself completely. In doing so, I stepped back into the driver’s seat of my life.
Every breathwork session since has helped me to access deeper layers of emotional healing. My entire life has improved as a result of this -my career, my relationships with others, my relationship with myself, my overall quality of life, and so much more.
How Can You Begin Your Journey?
If you’re dealing with similar emotional wounds, stress, or trauma, Clarity Breathwork can offer a powerful tool for healing. It’s both beginner and advanced practitioner friendly. Through this practice, you can trust that your body knows how to heal itself when given the space and support. To start the process, all you need to do is reach out and book an intake call. That’s it.
Your journey to healing, like mine, can start with something as simple as a breath.
-Kaylin Hawkins