HEAL Your Relationship with Food. Make Peace with Your Body.

Comprehensive Eating Disorder treatment for individuals and families seeking holistic support rooted in anti-diet, weight-inclusive, and trauma-informed practices.

If you’re experiencing an eating disorder, or supporting someone who is, it can be difficult to imagine a life where you’re not stuck in the battle with food and body.

Whether you’ve been through treatment before or this is your first time seeking support, we at Healing Recovery Centre want you to know that the struggle you’re facing is not who you are. It’s simply a part of your story.

Asking for help requires immense strength, and with the right support on your side, it’s possible to permanently heal from eating disorders, disordered eating, chronic dieting, body dysmorphia, self-hatred, and shame—coming out the other side feeling at peace with your authentic self, at home in your body and reconnected to your loved ones.

Our experienced team of clinicians is passionate about providing you with the tools you need to actively choose food and body freedom, and create a future you can flourish in. Regardless of your belief system, gender identity, sexual expression, size, age, or race, you are welcome here.

Inclusive Treatment That Meets You Exactly Where You Are

It can be disheartening to feel like you or your loved one isn’t “sick enough” to gain access to treatment or like you’ve exhausted all your options and still haven’t found the type of support that works.

For this reason, you don’t have to meet certain criteria in order to work with us. We help families who haven’t found healing with conventional treatment methods receive the comprehensive, compassionate care they deserve.

Multi-Disciplinary Support For Lasting Recovery

Eating disorder recovery is about so much more than numbers. True healing takes place only when we address the individual root causes and underlying issues that fuel the struggle with food and body.

Our holistic approach to treatment gives you or your loved one the option to receive support from a team of clinicians, including dietitians, clinical therapists, recreational therapists, and more. This allows us to address the complexities of eating disorder treatment and find a tailored approach that works best for each individual and their family.

In other words, we treat the person—not the illness.

We take your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being into consideration while providing you with the resources and encouragement you need to take your recovery into your own hands and find your path to self-love and body acceptance.

Multi-Disciplinary Support For Lasting Recovery

Eating disorder recovery is about so much more than numbers. True healing takes place only when we address the individual root causes and underlying issues that fuel the struggle with food and body.

Our holistic approach to treatment gives you or your loved one the option to receive support from a team of clinicians, including dietitians, clinical therapists, recreational therapists, and more. This allows us to address the complexities of eating disorder treatment and find a tailored approach that works best for each individual and their family.

In other words, we treat the person—not the illness.

We take your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being into consideration while providing you with the resources and encouragement you need to take your recovery into your own hands and find your path to self-love and body acceptance.

Here, You’ll Have Access To:

Individual & Family Therapy (DBT, EFFT)

Nutrition Counselling

Recreational Therapy

Caregiver Support

Group Workshops & Support

Here, You’ll Have Access To:

Individual & Family Therapy (DBT, EFFT)

Nutrition Counselling

Recreational Therapy

Caregiver Support

Group Workshops & Support

Encouragement for Parents and Caregivers

Supporting someone you love through recovery can be tough. This is why we provide support specifically to help you as a parent or caregiver gain deeper insight into what your loved one may be going through and receive useful guidance for various stages of their journey.

As a team, we wholeheartedly believe that parents and caregivers deserve their own love and compassionate care as they work to heal strained relationships, repair wounds, and navigate the ups and downs of the recovery journey together as a family.

Here, You’ll Have Access To:

Individual & Family Therapy (DBT, EFFT)

Nutrition Counselling

Recreational Therapy

Caregiver Support

Group Workshops & Support

Meet Megan

Registered Dietitian, and provider of anti-diet, weight-inclusive Nutrition Counselling.

After many years of exploring various clinical settings and learning the impact that socioeconomic factors and diet culture have on public health, I found my calling in the world of anti-diet, weight-inclusive nutrition.

I’m passionate about providing access to comprehensive care for people affected by eating disorders who may have slipped through the cracks of the public system or are limited in the type of care they can receive.

At Healing Recovery Centre, we provide evidence-based, trauma-informed, and inclusive care that supports individuals in all stages of recovery. Our alternative, multidisciplinary approach caters to individuals in early recovery, those who haven’t found success with standard treatment, and everyone in between.

Advance Your Clinical Practice

Receive evidence-based training under the supervision of Eating Disorder specialists.

Eating disorders are multifaceted, and we believe more healthcare providers need to be equipped with the skills to navigate the complexities of this illness in order to effectively support their clients and patients through recovery.

This is why we are passionate about offering providers the guidance they need to find success in their practice. Morgan, our founder, offers supervision for therapists working with or wanting to work with Eating Disorders, while Megan, our Registered Dietitian, offers support in the realm of nutritional counseling techniques and medical monitoring for eating disorders.

If you aspire to build confidence in supporting clients affected by eating disorders toward a life of peace, freedom, and recovery, reach out to us today to learn more about Clinical Supervision services provided by Morgan and Megan.

Not sure where to start? Let’s talk.

If you have questions about our services or you simply want to start with a conversation, we’d love to connect with you. No matter what challenges you’re currently facing, there is always a way through. We’re here to help.